TW: rape
Within the year after I was raped by Dargan Watts, I flunked out of college.
I became extremely agoraphobic.
I was terrified of the world.
I didn’t know how to report someone for something like that.
I also was doubting what happened a little bit; this is quite common with victims of abuse.
We think it’s our fault.
We think “if I just hadn’t done x, then it wouldn’t have happened.”
Then we’re afraid of reporting because we don’t want to get in trouble for falsely reporting.
It’s bullsh*t that victims blame themselves.
But if that’s not a sign that rape culture exists, I’m not sure what is.
I tell the whole story of when Dargan raped me on Episode 19 of my podcast, Let’s Be Frank.
Check out the full episode on Apple Podcasts or YouTube. Just click the links below!
Listen on Apple Podcasts by clicking here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-be-frank-with-host-molly-skye-brown/id1515861763
Listen on YouTube by clicking here: https://youtu.be/4YuCjbGheCA
