TW: rape
My rapist kissed my tears.
He did not kiss my tears 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺, mind you.
Dargan Watts knew exactly what he was doing.
As he was raping me, he was telling me how beautiful I was.
I dissociated until he finished.
I just laid there for a bit, partially from shock. Partially from the fact that sex always throws my hips off because of my hip dysplasia.
It’s one of the many reasons that I wouldn’t make a good prostitute, even though I was treated like one.
Needless to say, the business dinner that was supposed to be happening that night never got rescheduled.
I tell the whole story on Episode 19 of my podcast, Let’s Be Frank.
Check out the full episode on Apple Podcasts or YouTube. Just click the links below!
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